1. Health and safety policy statement
1.1 We recognise and accept our responsibilities in respect of the health and safety of our employees, our students, our contractors and other users of our premises.
1.2 In pursuance of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, we will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees.
1.3 We will also carry out our duties under Regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. In particular we will endeavour to:
- provide and maintain a safe place of work, safe systems of work, safe appliances for work and a healthy environment
- ensure safety and the absence of health risks in connection with the use, handling and storage of articles and substances
- make regular assessments of risks to employees at work, and take appropriate preventative measures
- ensure that cross-college, programme and service area’s health and safety arrangements are recorded and made available to all relevant personnel
- appoint competent people to secure compliance with statutory duties
- provide such information and training as may be necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of our employees, and also compliance with other regulations as issued from time to time, and to promote awareness and understanding of health and safety throughout the college
- provide employees with health surveillance, where deemed necessary by risk assessments
- ensure our no smoking policy is enforced and adhered to
- provide a safe working environment for pregnant women and nursing mothers
- ensure that all relevant regulations, codes of practice and guidance are adhered to
1.4 The primary responsibility for health and safety lies with the Principal and the Governing body of City Lit.
1.5 The Principal is responsible to the Governing Body for monitoring the implementation of City Lit’s Health and Safety Policy, for keeping the health and safety arrangements under review and for keeping the college informed of legislation affecting it to secure compliance. The Principal will report formally to the Governing body on an annual basis, or more often, as required.
1.6 All employees, students, contractors and other users of City Lit’s premises have health and safety duties and responsibilities, and must co-operate with the college by complying with health and safety procedures.
2. Organisation
The following organisational chart demonstrates the management of health and safety throughout City Lit:
3. Responsibilities
3.1 All staff
3.1.1 All staff have a legal and contractual responsibility to follow the health and safety arrangements and procedures as laid out in this policy. You also have a personal duty to:
- carry out your duties in a safe and healthy manner
- follow safe working procedures
- take into account the safety of others
- use and maintain equipment supplied for health and safety, and keep it in good working order
- report all hazards or shortcomings in health and safety arrangements, including breaches of the no smoking policy at the earliest opportunity
- undertake workstation self-assessments where appropriate
- not to use equipment or materials for which you are not trained or appropriately supervised
- cooperate with management to ensure the health and safety of all staff, students and visitors
3.2 The Governing Body
3.2.1 The Governing Body recognises its duty to provide effective reviewing of the health and safety provisions, committee and management.
3.2.2 The Governing Body receives and considers an annual report presented by the Principal to include the following content:
- a summary of significant matters raised at the health and safety committee with action taken to address these matters
- statements regarding policy implementation and any proposals for amendments, additions, or alterations to the college’s health and safety policy
- statements of identified expenditure on health and safety matters
- a summary report covering the Incident/Accident/Hazard reporting system and any RIDDOR reportable events
- statements of safety inspections, internal or external, and any other monitoring events
- a summary of any contact with enforcement agencies, e.g. Health and Safety Executive, Local Authority, Environmental Health Office, London Fire and Civil Defence Authority, including any enforcement notices received
- proposals and strategies for the next twelve months
- a summary of any outstanding items from previous reports
3.3 The Principal
3.3.1 The Principal is required to:
- draw up the necessary arrangements to secure compliance with all health and safety requirements
- ensure that such arrangements are recorded in writing
- ensure that such information is circulated to all existing and future staff and to the Executive
- monitor the implementation of these arrangements;
- ensure accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and infectious diseases are reported, recorded and investigated and measures to prevent recurrence are introduced as appropriate
- maintain a system of reporting hazards which come to the attention of staff in the course of their normal duties
3.3.2 The Principal delegates the day-to-day responsibility for, and management of, health and safety, to nominated staff, who are required to develop a positive health and safety culture by ensuring that there is:
- good communication with staff, students, contractors and site visitors
- control of risk through the clear allocation of responsibilities
- formal and informal opportunities for the active cooperation and involvement of all staff
- promotion of competence in health and safety matters through the provision of appropriate training of staff
3.4 The Executive
3.4.1 The Executive recognise and accepts their corporate responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations made under the Act, to provide a safe and healthy environment for teaching and non-teaching staff, students, contractors and any other persons who may be affected by the activities of the college. The Executive considers the achievement and maintenance of a high standard of health, safety and welfare throughout all sites to be a primary objective.
3.4.2 The Executive will take all reasonably practicable steps within its power to fulfil this responsibility. 3.4.3 The Executive will consult with representatives of staff on health and safety matters through the health and safety committee and regular reports in the staff newsletter. Individual members of staff will have health and safety issues discussed with them before allocating them particular functions.
3.4.4 Where appropriate, the Executive will seek any necessary expert advice to determine the risks to health and safety within the service and the precautions required to deal with them.
3.4.5 The Executive will provide staff with sufficient information necessary to carry out their duties in a safe and healthy manner, and will provide such training for staff in respect of risks to health and safety as is necessary.
3.4.6 The provision of a safe and healthy workplace is the concern of all those working within it. The Executive is committed to the maintenance of a high and improved standard of health and safety and will manage the available resources, and review the performance of staff.
3.5 Health and safety advisors
3.5.1 We will maintain two health and safety advisors, qualified to NEBOSH certificate level or equivalent. They work with the facilities management company and are responsible for ensuring that arrangements are in place to:
- comply with all health and safety legal requirements and prepare written procedures where required
- allow health and safety requirements and issues are be brought to the attention of appropriate staff
- report immediately to the Principal any instances where it is not possible to eliminate or reduce to a satisfactory level a hazard through lack of authority or funding. In such a case, steps shall be taken to remove the hazard until a permanent solution can be found
- inspect all premises we use and complete risk assessments as required; the Executive will be informed of the results of such assessments and recommendations will be made concerning the action to be taken
- keep a list of safety representatives, both trade union or appointed staff, and provide facilities and assistance which they may reasonably require for the purpose of carrying out their function
- provide managers and staff with advice on health and safety matters
3.6 The facilities management company
3.6.1 We have contracted out the general operation of the Keeley Street building to a facilities management company, which in turn has subcontracted for cleaning, maintenance, security, waste disposal and catering.
3.6.2 The facilities management company has first line day-to-day responsibility for maintaining a healthy and safe environment and its specific responsibilities are outlined in detail in the contract between City Lit and the company which, with its sub-contractors, is required to abide by this health and safety policy. The company, with its subcontractors, shall act as agent for City Lit undertaking health and safety responsibilities related to the operation of the premises, cleaning, maintenance, security and catering, including undertaking portable appliance testing. The company, through its internal professional health and safety adviser undertakes annual comprehensive inspections of health and safety as relating to its operations. The company is responsible for arranging statutory inspections of plant in accordance with regulations.
3.6.3 The facilities management company will operate a permit to work scheme in line with any requirements for sub-contractors on the receipt of satisfactory risk assessments and method statements or other acceptable assurances.
3.7 Managers, coordinators and supervisors
3.7.1 All managers, coordinators and supervisors, are responsible for ensuring that:
- risk assessments are undertaken as required in their area
- all visitors, including maintenance personnel or contractors are informed of any hazards on site of which they may be unaware, and to avoid maintenance or other work affecting the safety and health of students and staff
- all contractors comply with the health and safety policy and any relevant arrangements and procedures
- new employees are appropriately inducted and trained in safety arrangements relevant to their work areas
- new employees have access to a copy of the health and safety policy on joining
- staff training needs are identified and the required training organised
- health and safety systems and procedures are regularly reviewed
3.8 Duty managers
3.8.1 We have a designated responsible manager on duty at specified times, this is achieved by the use of duty managers whose responsibilities are to:
- ensure that our normal activities are maintained as far as possible by assisting and supporting staff and students
- take management responsibility during building evacuation or incident/accident control, and to maintain liaison with the facilities, programme and service area staff at such times
- follow the procedures for evacuation, bomb threats, incidents, accidents and emergencies as laid down in the duty manager’s handbook
- liaise with emergency services and media within the guidelines specified; and
- ensure that s/he is contactable during duty periods by means of the designated mobile phone
3.9 Health and safety committee
3.9.1 The Principal is responsible for ensuring that regular meetings of this committee are held and that the terms of reference are complied with.
3.9.2 The Health and safety committee is a standing committee that reports twice a year to the Executive and Governing Body. It receives and considers procedures, codes of practice, current legislation and all matters affecting health and safety. It advises on policy, reviews current practices, and strives to ensure that we are fully up-to-date and operational.
3.9.3 Formal records of the health and safety committee meetings will be made and these are available for staff to read on e-share.
3.9.4 Membership includes full-time and part-time staff from programme and service areas, trade union safety representatives, the facilities management company, the health and safety advisors and the Principal.
4. Arrangements and procedures
4.1 Risk assessments
4.1.1 Managers will undertake risk assessments where necessary according to laid down procedures.
4.1.2 General risk assessments will be reviewed whenever there:
- is reason to suspect it is no longer valid or
- has been a significant change in the matters to which it relates If risk assessments are to be reviewed more frequently it will be noted elsewhere in this policy.
4.1.3 We will apply the following hierarchy of control for the management of risks.
- Hazard elimination
- If possible, remove the hazard so that all other management controls, such as assessment, record keeping, training, auditing are no longer required.
- Substitution
- If the hazard cannot be removed, substitute for a lower risk hazard.
- Reduction
- Where possible, reduce usage, e.g. use in small quantities, infrequently.
- Work adaptation
- Where possible, adapt work to the individual, taking account of their mental and physical capabilities.
- Technology
- Take advantage of technology that can cost effectively reduce risk.
- Access restriction
- Restrict access with guarding or procedural measures.
- Training
- Ensure effective training is undertaken and that only trained people use risky equipment, materials of processes.
- Personal protective equipment
- This should be used only as a last contingency after all other control measures have been considered, as a short term during maintenance/ repair or as an additional protective measure.
Management of Health and Safety Work (Amendment) Regulations, 2006 4.2 Incidents and accidents
4.2.1 All incidents and accidents should be reported by filling in the standard form (IAH) available on the e-share. Completed forms must be returned to the Principal’s office within 24 hours, either directly or by leaving with security guard.
4.2.2 Any significant incident, e.g. accident requiring first aid should be reported via the duty manager.
4.2.3 Any action required to be taken in order to prevent further incidents will be notified to all relevant staff and put into effect.
4.2.4 The Principal, or a health and safety advisor will identify incidents that are reportable under RIDDOR, in accordance with current Health and Safety Executive procedures, will make the report to the Health and Safety Executive, and where applicable the Skills Funding Agency.
4.2.5 The Principal will appoint a competent person to investigate any incident or accident to learners that may require reporting under RIDDOR and/or to the Skills Funding Agency under the Learner Incident Management System (LIMS).
Workplace Health and Safety and Welfare Regulations, 1992 Management of Health and Safety Work (Amendment) Regulations, 2006 10
4.3First aid
4.3.1 Staff Development is responsible for the maintenance of adequate first-aid cover; the extent of the cover will reflect a risk assessment.
4.3.2 The current list of first-aiders is displayed on notice boards, e-share and in the duty manager folder.
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, 1981 as amended Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations, 2002 4.4 Electrical safety
4.4.1 The general duties of people whose jobs do not require them to carry out electrical work are to:
- report to the facilities management company any evident electrical hazard or defect, to avoid and take steps to ensure others avoid coming into close proximity with the hazard
- ensure all electrical equipment under their control is used in a manner and in circumstances that are safe, and that such equipment is not put to unsuitable use; if uncertain about the suitability of any electrical equipment for any use, to seek competent advice
- be aware of the arrangements for electrical safety testing of all portable electrical apparatus under their control, and that no electrical equipment is to be brought on to site without authorisation and certification Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
4.5 Manual handling
4.5.1 All managers must ensure where necessary that manual handling assessments have been completed and that all staff at risk are trained in the correct principles of safe lifting and carrying.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992 Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations, 2002
4.6 Display screen equipment
4.6.1 Managers must ensure that:
- all work stations are assessed for new staff and whenever there is a material change
- staff are given training in the correct use of display screen equipment (DSE), including workstations and seating, and how to minimise risks to themselves;
- staff take regular screen breaks
- staff have a variety of activities to maximise opportunities for screen breaks
4.6.2 DSE users have a responsibility to undertake workstation self-assessments on appointment and if a workstation changes.
4.6.3 All regular DSE users will be offered eyesight tests at regular intervals. The cost of the eyesight test and £50 towards any corrective lenses required for DSE use alone will be paid if necessary.
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations, 2002
4.7 Control of substances hazardous to health
4.7.1 Health and safety advisors are responsible for ensuring appropriate procedures exist for the management of hazardous substances. Departmental managers must ensure that:
- a full programme of assessment, management and training exists in appropriate departments
- staff involved in the handling of hazardous substances are aware of the correct procedures for use, storage and disposal
- where necessary, staff have been provided with suitable personal protective equipment and trained in their use
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, 2002 as amended 2006 Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals (Amendments to Secondary Legislation) Regulations 2015
4.8 Noise
4.8.1 General risk assessments for noise will be undertaken and where necessary detailed risk assessments will be carried out by managers to enable appropriate controls to be put in place.
Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
4.9 Hazardous waste
4.9.1 The facilities manager is responsible for ensuring that all hazardous waste is managed appropriately.
4.9.2 Designated items must be kept separate from all other waste. Staff using chemicals and substances with an end product of a special or hazardous nature must ensure that the correct procedures are carried out.
4.9.3 Records must be kept by managers to show the volume and type of waste collected. The removal of hazardous waste will be arranged by the facilities manager and consignment notes will be retained.
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations, 2005 List of Wastes (England) Regulations, 2005
4.10 Equipment
4.10.1 Managers are responsible for ensuring that procedures exist for the safe use of certain work equipment and that it is used safely.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, 1998
4.11 Protective clothing and equipment
4.11.1 Where regulations require the use of protective clothing, it will be provided and managers must ensure that it is worn as appropriate.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations,1992; as amended by Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations, 2002
4.12 Safety signs
4.12.1 Where necessary safety signage will be provided.
Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations,1996
4.13 Smoking
4.13.1 Smoking is not permitted on City Lit premises, including balconies and roof terraces. Signage will be placed where required and managers must address any non-compliance.
Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations,2006 Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations,2012
4.14 Satellite sites
4.14.1 Whilst this policy applies to all City Lit sites and wherever official activities take place, separate health and safety arrangements will exist for satellite sites where City lit is a tenant. Managers and users of those sites have a responsibility to understand and implement any separate requirements that exist.
4.15 Violence against staff
4.15.1 The Executive will work towards developing a culture of personal safety within City Lit by:
- ensuring that managers are supported to train staff;
- ensuring that managers create an atmosphere in which staff can freely and openly discuss their fears and concerns regarding violence at work
- encouraging staff to give support to colleagues
- making staff aware of their own and others’ safety
- monitoring and improving procedures by
- collecting statistical data on the numbers and types of incidents
- assessing and implementing necessary changes
- offering advice and training to all staff
4.15.2 Other relevant documents available on the e-share drive, or from programme and service managers are the:
- Dignity at work policy
- Student disciplinary code of conduct and procedure
- Staff disciplinary procedure
Workplace Health and Safety Welfare Regulations 1992.
4.16 Evacuation procedures for situations of serious and imminent anger
4.16.1 Staff Responsibilities
At the start of a course, tutors must ensure that students are aware of fire routes, assembly points and drills.
In the event of an evacuation:
- if possible, turn off all gas or electrical equipment
- leave lights on
- ask students to gather at assembly points in an orderly manner
- ensure that registers are carried to assembly point and checked
- report to the duty manager IN PERSON anyone left at a refuge point or details of anyone who is missing
- remain in control of the group and convey any information given by the duty manager, until such time as the extent of the problem is made known or the all clear given
- on returning to the building, re-register the students when you are back in the classroom
4.16.2 All Staff
When starting work at City Lit, all staff must be given details of the emergency evacuation procedures and what their roles will be.
4.16.3 Security Staff
In the event of an evacuation security staff are responsible for:
- checking all additional exit doors are open
- assisting in the evacuation of the building and ensuring all persons are clear
- liaising with the duty manager/facilities manager or other senior staff
- liaising with emergency services
4.16.4 Emergency evacuation procedures must be held regularly on each site, usually termly.
4.16.5 Name badges must be worn so that in the event of an emergency staff can be distinguished from students and given instructions to assist.
4.16.6 The Contract Services Manager will maintain a record of evacuation drills and report these and any action that is required to the Principal via the IAH reporting procedure.
4.16.7 Nobody should re-enter a building after the alarm has sounded for any reason, until further instructions are given.
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
4.17 Fire precautions
4.17.1 We will:
- carry out a fire risk assessment
- monitor and review the risk assessment and revise as appropriate
- inform staff or their representatives of the risks
- plan for an emergency
- provide staff information and training
- nominate persons to assist
- provide and maintain (to the extent that it is appropriate as determined by the fire risk assessment):
- means for detecting and giving warning in case of fire
- emergency lighting
- means of escape
- fire safety signs
- fire-fighting equipment
4.17.2 The Principal must ensure that the site has suitable and sufficient fire fighting and preventative equipment to comply with the current fire certificate requirements.
4.17.3 The Contract Services Manager will have the practical responsibility to ensure that all appropriate fire precautions are maintained. The Principal retains overall responsibility.
4.17.4 The Principal will ensure there are a suitable number of competent people to act as duty managers whose function it is to manage the procedures in the event of fire.
4.17.5 All staff must make themselves aware of the fire exits, means of escape routes and action to be taken on hearing the fire alarm.
4.17.6 Fire precaution signage should be well-maintained and free from obstruction at all times.
4.17.7 All fire exit doors should be easily and immediately opened from the inside without the use of a key.
4.17.8 There should be no obstructions, apparent defects or damage to fire alarm call points, fire detectors or alarm sounders.
4.17.9 Fire-fighting equipment will be in good order, unobstructed, and in its correct place. Combustible materials or substances will be properly stored, away from sources of ignition, and flammable liquids should be held in the smallest workable quantities.
4.17.10 There will be no accumulation of rubbish and waste materials.
4.17.11 No fire route (especially stairways) should be used for storage at any time.
4.17.12 The fire risk assessment exists will be reviewed after any fire incident and at least annually. Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Fire Safety (Employees' Capabilities) (England) Regulations, 2010
4.18 Bomb threats
4.18.1 In the event of a bomb threat the duty manager must be immediately informed, who will seek urgent police advice.
4.18.2 All cases must be taken seriously in the remote event that an explosive device has been placed in the buildings.
4.18.3 For any one taking the call, collect as many details from the caller as possible:
- which floor, room
- size and type of device - when timed to explode
- note the time of the call
- details of call/caller i.e. accent, pitch of voice, manner, background noises;
- ask who caller is, organisation
- try to maintain connection and conversation whilst the police are informed - do not replace the handset
- inform the duty manager, but if not available, follow the instructions below
- inform the police
- inform senior person on site, who will make a decision about evacuation of the building, unless advised not to do so by the Police or Fire Service
4.19 Suspect packages
4.19.1 In the event of a suspect package being found inform the duty manager immediately. S/he will carry out a risk assessment of the situation and if s/he considers the package to be dangerous will follow the procedure outlined in section 4.18
4.20 Detailed arrangements
4.20.1 Specific arrangements and procedures related to this policy are detailed on City Lit’s e-share. These arrangements are accessible to all workers and updated as required.