Being safe and feeling safe

Our duty of care

Everyone should be safe and feel safe. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. 

At City Lit we are committed to creating a safe environment for everyone studying or working here, whether face to face or online. We have a legal and moral obligation to look after all our students and staff. This includes someone who may be at risk of harm. 

To ensure the College is a safe place for everyone, we have a Safeguarding and Prevent Policy and procedures, which makes this possible.  

Please talk to your tutor, email or ask to speak to the safeguarding team, if you feel unsafe or are concerned about safety of someone else at the college. If you are concerned that someone else is being bullied, harassed, abused, or even neglected, just let us know.

We also need to safeguard against people being radicalised. So, if you think someone is spreading or supporting extremist, or violent views, being drawn into radicalism, don’t be afraid to let us know. Please also find the contact details in the poster below. 


Staying safe online

The internet is great for so many things. However, we also need to know how to keep ourselves safe when we use it.

Our guide will help you to make sure you, your computer and your money stay safe when you go online. You can download the full document at the bottom of this page, or click on the images to make them larger.

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