Exams at City Lit

Most City Lit courses do not have exams, however, we have a few accredited courses that do. If you are not sure if you will have an exam, speak to your tutor as soon as you can.

If your course has an exam please read this information at the start of your course. You can download this information as a leaflet at the bottom of the page - you may need to look at it again before your exam.


When and where will my exam take place?

Your tutor will tell you the date, time and location of your exam. Your exam may not be on the same day or time as your normal class! Your exam may be held at City Lit or at a local venue. The dates of your exam cannot be changed.


Before the day of your exam of assessment

Make sure you know:

  • the date, start time and location of the exam or assessment – is it in the morning or the afternoon and what time do you need to arrive?
  • if you are permitted or required to take any specialist equipment with you and have that ready - for example maths equipment.
  • who you need to contact at your school or college in case there’s an emergency and you will be late, or can’t sit your exam or assessment.


On the day of your exam or assessment

Plan your route to arrive in good time. We cannot guarantee that your work will be accepted by the exam board if you are late.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions of the invigilator.

Make sure that you bring your valid photo ID with you. You cannot take your exam if you do not have this. We can only accept the following forms of ID.


What you can take into the exam room:

  • a clear pencil case
  • two or more black pens – blue pens are not acceptable for exams or written assessments
  • any specialist equipment you will need or are required to bring in – this may include a ruler, maths set and an approved calculator, if relevant for your exam or assessment (including practicals)
  • a transparent drink bottle if you wish – this must not have any labels.

What you cannot have on your person - we will ask you to put these items in your bag, and in the front of the room:

  • your mobile phone
  • any type of watch – this includes analogue, digital or smartwatches
  • iPads, iPods, Fitbits, AirPods, earphones or ear buds, MP3 or MP4 players or similar devices
  • Smart glasses.


A word about exam and assessment materials

You must not take any exam or assessment materials with you out of the exam room once the exam has finished. This includes question papers, answer booklets (used or unused) or rough work.

Be aware that fake papers may be circulating prior to you taking your exam or assessment. If you see information in advance or online, or if someone sends something to you, then report it to your tutor. Do not engage with anyone offering you access to papers and do not share any other information, papers or links with other students – this is cheating and may lead to you being disqualified from some or all of your exams or assessments.


Preparing for exams - exam day check-list

  • I know the date, time and location of my exam.

  • I have planned the route and know that I can get there with plenty of time.

  • I have valid photo ID ready to bring to the exam.

  • I have everything I need for the exam such as pens, pencils, calculator.

We have a useful leaflet with an exam day checklist attached at the bottom of the page - JCQ Preparing to sit your exams.


Exam contingency days for GCE and GCSE exams

The awarding bodies have designated the following days as ‘contingency days’ for summer 2025 examinations:

  • Wednesday 11 June 2025 afternoon
  • Wednesday 25 June 2025 full day.

It would be the awarding bodies' decision to schedule exams on this day as a contingency plan in the event of national or local disruption to examinations.

If you will be taking GCE or GCSEs, you need to be available on these contingency days should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.


Exam access arrangements

If you are disabled or have a learning difference that means you will need support with your exam or during your course tell us as soon as possible.

Contact the Access, Inclusion & Support team on: support@citylit.ac.uk  and have your evidence to hand.

We will explore options to support you such as extra time, BSL or specialist equipment. However, to do this, we need to know as early as possible.

We cannot guarantee exam access arrangements as the final decision to allow access arrangements is made by the exam board.

Exam instructions for candidates


What do I do if I’m unhappy about my results?

All enquiries about GCSE and GCE exams results must go to the exam board via City Lit’s Exams Office - please contact us by emailing exams@citylit.ac.uk.

For all other exams please talk to your tutor if you are not happy with your results. The college will need to support any results enquiries with exam boards. You must do this within 2 weeks of getting your results and you may be charged a fee when you submit an appeal about your results to the exam board.

Deferrals or resubmissions for vocational awards have to be agreed with the awarding body and can only be granted if there are extenuating circumstances. Evidence may be requested and extra fees may be charged.

Please talk to your tutor or the Exams Office as soon as possible if you are unhappy with your exam results.

If you have any other questions, please explore the other exam pages in this section or contact the Exams Office via exams@citylit.ac.uk.


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