Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) documents and information for students

The Joint Council for Qualifications is a membership organisation comprising the eight largest providers of qualifications in the UK. More information can be found on the JCQ website:


If you will sit GCSE or GCE exams at City Lit this summer, it is important that you read these documents and are aware of the following rules:

JCQ Non Examinations Assessments guidance for students

This document tells you about some things that you must and must not do when you are completing your work.

When you submit your work for marking, the awarding body will normally require you to sign an authentication statement confirming that you have read and followed the regulations.

You can demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a subject by using information from sources or generated from sources which may include the internet and AI. Remember though, you must take care how you use this material – you cannot copy it and claim it as your own work

If you copy the words, ideas or outputs of others and do not show your sources in references and a bibliography, this will be considered as cheating.

If there is anything that you do not understand, you must ask your teacher.

JCQ Written examinations guidance for students

JCQ Information for Candidates Information About You and How We Use It



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