Courses of interest to Deaf adults

As well as our full programme of courses, we have a number of courses available which will be of particular interest to deaf adults, their families and people who work with deaf adults:

Digital Skills for Deaf people   English for Deaf people  

Maths for Deaf People   British Sign Language


Interviews and assessments

In order to join our Digital Skills, English, Maths for Deaf people courses, you need to have an interview and initial assessment first.


These sessions are by appointment only. You must book in advance.

Book an appointment


IAG and enrolment support for Deaf students

IAG sessions with BSL interpreters to help Deaf students enrol onto courses and apply for financial support take place in Room 1 in the Student Centre and Library from 2pm to 4pm. 

Come at 2pm. The last enrolment will finish at 4pm.

The next drop in dates will be:

Wednesday 18th December

Wednesday 8th January  

Wednesday 15th January   

Wednesday 5th February

Wednesday 19th February

Wednesday 5th March 

Wednesday 26th March 

Wednesday 9th April 

If you are Deaf and cannot come to any of these sessions, please email to arrange an individual appointment (the times and dates we can offer will depend on staff and interpreter availability, but we will do our best to arrange a time suitable for you).

DeafPLUS Advice & guidance for Deaf people at City Lit

DeafPLUS can support you with:

• NHS Letters/council issues

• Utility bills

• Applying for benefits and form filling

Face-to-face appointments available very Tuesday 10am to 4pm

Room 3 in the Student Centre on the Mezzanine floor,

Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA


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