What you can expect at City Lit

During your time at City Lit, you will have:

  • full information and advice about courses before you enrol, facilities, support services and arrangements for fee payments
  • good customer service at all times from courteous and helpful staff
  • our commitment to running every course as advertised on our website.
  • access to our complaints procedure if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service
    the opportunity to give your views about the service and how it can be improved.

If circumstances beyond our control (for example, industrial action, illness of a tutor, building problems) prevent us from meeting our standards, we will do our best to keep disruption to a minimum.


In your contact with City Lit, we will:

  • identify ourselves
  • give you our attention
  • treat you with respect
  • be polite, helpful and professional
  • give consistent/accurate information
  • listen to your comments and complaints and deal with them.


Studying at City Lit, you can expect:

  • classes that start on time
  • a high standard of teaching from appropriately qualified teachers whose work is reviewed and supported
  • prompt return of course work where it is part of your studies
  • feedback on your progress
  • equal educational opportunities.


We aim to:

  • help you choose a programme of study that suits your needs, by providing advice about the options available to you at City Lit, and give advice on further courses of study
  • clearly identify English and maths requirements for all courses
  • provide details of our fees, examination costs, and concessionary rates, including information on any materials that you will be expected to buy
  • offer advice and practical help where the payment of fees is a barrier to joining a course
  • deal with applications for places fairly and efficiently
  • provide support for students with special requirements when possible
  • keep you informed of changes and developments affecting your studies at City Lit
  • make it possible for you to express your views about our services
  • keep you informed about our performance.
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