FAQ: City Lit Apply (course applications)

I haven't received the link to verify my email, can it be re-sent?

If you cannot see the email with the verification link in your inbox please check your spam/junk folders.
If you still cannot find the email please log into your Apply account, you will see a pink button at the top of the page, click this to re-send the email: 

What can I find on the application dashboard?

On this page you will find:

  • The tasks that need to be completed.
  • Instructions for completing the tasks and submitting the application.
  • A preview or download function.
  • A delete function.
  • Review and Submit buttons
Can I preview the application form before I start?
You can preview the application tasks and questions by clicking the eye icon.


You can download an uncompleted pdf file as well.  

This will give you a guide as to what to expect from the application form.

Before submitting the application form you can delete your application to withdraw from the process.

Where can I find instructions to help with the application process?

When you click on the instructions icon it will provide a pop out window with some basic pointers to the application process and icons on this home page.


Can I save as I go?


You can click 'Save & Continue Editing': at any point you can save the page you are on and return to your application at a later stage.

You can click 'Mark as complete': this will indicate that you have completed the specific application task.

I’ve finished my task and clicked the ‘mark as complete’ button but receive an error message, what’s wrong?

If you receive this note it will likely mean that an answer to a question(s) has not been provided.


You will notice that a task has been completed.  In this example you will need to have a tick against both tasks before you will be able to ‘Submit’ the application.


Do I need to complete the personal details task?
We need to collect some personal details to process your application and make sure you are old enough to study at the College.

For more information on why we need this data and what we do with it please read our Privacy Policy.

You will see that there are two tasks to complete in this example below.

Both must be ‘marked as complete’ before the application can be submitted using the submit button pictured. 


How do I start my application?
To begin, just click on the application form and it will take you to the application form for the specific course.


Why do I need to tell you the course start date?

One of the questions you will notice is that we ask applicants to specify which course start date they wish to enrol on.

This is because we often run multiple course start dates that run across terms and occasionally academic years.
Selecting the correct start date and time will help our systems enrol you on to the correct course.



How do I navigate between pages and submit my application?

Navigating between pages

Most application forms will have multiple sections.   In order to proceed you will need to click on the Next button.   If it stops you from proceeding it’s likely that some questions have not been completed.


Submitting your application



Now that both tasks have been completed you will need to submit your application. Before submitting you can review your application by clicking the review button.  At this stage you can also edit and make changes before submitting.


When you click Submit it will ask whether you wish to review the application.  This will be the final opportunity to review and edit the application form before submitting it for review.


I’ve saved my progress, how do I return to my part-completed application?

If you want to return to complete your application at a later date, you can use the link from the email produced from the system or from the course webpage itself.




The system will show you the progress of your application.   Click the continue button to carry on with the application process.

Remember the application will need to be submitted to inform our staff reviewing the application.

If you come back through the course webpage and login you may have the system view below:-


In which case you will need to click on ‘See my application’ where you will be able to continue the application process.  Remember you will need to click the Submit button when you are finished.

What do I need to do if I create more than one application?

If you press the apply button again it will start a new application form and require you to complete the tasks again.

You can remove additional application forms by clicking on the ‘My Applications’ button at the top right hand corner of the page.



In this example there are two applications for the same course.   One has two task complete and the second was created accidently.   You can remove the additional application by clicking on the ellipsis where it can be deleted to avoid confusion.

How do I upload a file or multiple files?

If your application requires an upload file please be aware of any file size limits and acceptable formats.   


If the size of the file is quite large, please be aware that when you mark the application as complete it may take a few moments to process the application task.

How do I change my name or email address?

If you wish to change your Name or Email address on your account:

  1. Log in to your account: Log in - City Lit
  2. Click on your Name in the top right corner of the page
  3. Select My Account
  4. Go to My Profile
  5. Edit the Name and Email address
  6. Click Save


You won't be able to change your account to another email that already has an existing account. Instead, you will need to log in to that account.

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