Students under 19 years of age or with EHCP

Can I book a course if I'm 'under 19'?

As an adult college, we don't ordinarily enrol anyone that is under 19 years of age.

However, we do make exceptions each year where it is considered appropriate, the course is not available elsewhere and there is a strong educational benefit to you attending the course at City Lit.

These exceptions are limited to these subject areas:

  • Speech Therapy
  • Lipreading
  • English, Maths, Digital Skills and BSL for Deaf people.

We are not able to consider any application outside of these three areas.


Do I fall into the ‘under 19’ group?

For the academic year 2024/25 (from 1st September 2024 onward), you will be assessed as being an 'under 19' student if you were aged 18 or younger on 31st August 2024.

This means that you could turn 19 from the 1st of September 2024 onward and the 'under 19' rules would still apply to you.


Enrolments for ‘under 19’ students take longer to process. Please apply for your place in good time.


Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

Students with an EHCP who are 16-18 on 31st August may only enrol on courses within the three approved areas listed above, with approval by Head of Department and the Access, Inclusion & Support (AIS) team.

Students with an EHCP who are 19-25 on 31st August may enrol on other courses with approval by the Access, Inclusion & Support (AIS) team.

EHCPs were designed to provide joined up education and support from social services for students. These are generally produced at school and updated at the point of leaving school by the local authority.

AIS team will assess any additional support needs for students who are under 25 and have an EHCP. They will review whether City Lit can provide the appropriate support to students in this group before approving enrolment as any support funding will need to be agreed with the local authority prior to enrolment.


How do I apply for a course if I'm 'under 19' or have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)?

Complete the form attached at the bottom of the page and email your completed form to the relevant department.


It is important to get in touch with the curriculum department or the AIS team at least a month before the course starts. It is not possible to arrange appropriate support at short notice.

If the Head of Department approves you to attend the course, you will need to bring ID showing your age to the enrolments office before we can complete your enrolment.

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