Resetting your My City Lit account password: Step-by-Step Guidance

All student accounts which have an email address can be accessed via the My City Lit link on the top left corner of the City Lit website. 

If you normally enrol in person or over the phone, and you have never enrolled online, you will need to activate your My City Lit account by setting up your password.

Setting up your password for the first time is the same as resetting a forgotten password.


  1. (Re)set your password by filling in your registered email address in the email address field, and clicking on the 'Forgot Your Password?' link OR click this link:



  2. This will take you to this page where you need to enter your email address (the one that you use to enrol onto courses and that you get course reminders sent to).



  3. After you click on 'Rest My Password' the following message will appear, and you will receive an email with the subject 'City Lit password reset' with a link to set your new password.


  4. Click on the email link and choose your new password.

    Your password must:

    - be at least 8 characters long

    - include upper and lower-case letters

    - contain a number

    - contain a special character (such as, #, %, !, &, £).


  5. Type your new password twice and click the 'Set a New Password' button.


  6. Use this password to log into your My City Lit account in the future.

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