Online course reviews

Students have told us that online course reviews help them find the right course. Reviews are also seen by our Quality and curriculum team, so sharing your thoughts will help us to improve our services to you.

Online course reviews are part of our course evaluation process

We need to ensure that all reviews published are genuinely helpful to others reading them, are relevant and fair. Reviews are moderated by City Lit and may not be published if they do not meet the guidelines below.

Your review must be helpful to other students

  • Make only fair and reasonable comments based on what the course is stating it will deliver in the course description and the level it is aimed at
  • Ensure content is relevant and helpful to other students
  • Please don't include questions or comments directed to tutors or staff – if you have a question or comment please contact the department.
  • Please don't use reviews for general political, ethical or religious opinions, discussion or commentary.


  • Do not use any offensive language, spiteful remarks, defamatory, racist or incendiary comments.

Referencing tutors and other students

The review guidelines require reviews to be based on the overall experience of the course and not the tutor specifically. Therefore all reviews will appear grouped under courses with the same title, regardless of the tutor.

  • Please don't refer to the tutor by name, as you are asked to review your experience of the course, not the tutor
  • Refrain from making any personal criticism about your tutor or their teaching style
  • Refrain from mentioning other students in the class by name or making unhelpful comments about other students.


Making a complaint

  • A complaint requires proper investigation - reviews should not be used in lieu of our complaints process. If you wish to make a complaint please use our contact form.
  • City Lit takes complaints seriously, please read our full Student Feedback and Complaints Policy for more information on how we deal with complaints. 
  • If you have already made a complaint, your review will be withheld until this has been properly investigated.
  • Reviews cannot be used for refund requests - if you would like to request a refund, please use our contact form or request a refund via your 'My City Lit' account. If you need guidance on how to request a refund online please see our step-by-step guide


We reserve the right either not to publish or to edit parts of a review before publishing that do not follow the guidelines.

All reviews are a reflection of students' opinions. By publishing reviews, City Lit does not necessarily agree with the statements made, but chooses to publish them as they contain reasonable opinions which may help other students to decide whether a course is right for them.

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