Admission policy for accredited courses

1 Purpose

1.1 City Lit aims to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all applicants for accredited courses. Student recruitment and selection procedures and practices will be consistent with our mission and values and with all relevant policies including our equality and diversity framework.

2. Principles guiding this policy

2.1 All decisions relating to accepting students onto accredited courses will be based

  • transparency
  • equality of access and respect for the rights of individuals
  • consistency of practice and procedures, including reasonable adjustments for applicants with
  • specific learning difficulties or disabilities
  • confidentiality and disclosure protocols

3 Scope

3.1 This policy covers all potential applicants for accredited courses and all staff concerned with the admission of students, including teachers, front line staff and departmental administrators.

4 Admissions code

4.1 Potential students will have access to accurate and appropriate information and support to help them make an informed decision about applying for an accredited course.

4.2 Course information will give full details of the course and include clear entry criteria and details of the application process. (See Appendix A)

4.3 Where any member of staff cannot provide all the relevant information, about a course they will ensure prompt forwarding of the query and timely response to the potential student.

4.4 All relevant staff will be properly trained to undertake screening and will have up-to-date knowledge regarding the course offer and where to refer students for further support.

4.5 Any available prior accreditation acceptable to the awarding body will be taken into consideration. Applicants will be required to present documentary evidence.

4.6 Applicants will normally complete an application form and attend an interview to review if they fulfil the entry requirements. This will normally include a screening of relevant English and Maths skills. Interviews and screening may be face to face, or using online tools and/or the telephone.

4.7 Any change to the published outcomes and content of courses will be communicated to the applicant without delay. City Lit will make every effort to deliver the course as published.

4.8 Where there are more applicants meeting the entry criteria than places, a place on the course will be allocated in a transparent and fair way, subject to payment of course fees (e.g. on a first-come-first-served basis) These conditions will be made clear to applicants when the place is offered.

5 Applicants’ responsibilities

5.1 Applicants are responsible for providing full and accurate information on entry as required by the awarding body and/or City Lit.

5.2 Any work submitted to gain entry onto a course, including as part of an online initial assessment or an application form, needs to be the student’s own work. Any work suspected to be produced by generative AI tools will not be considered.

5.3 If applicants are later found to have misrepresented any pre-course requirement they can be excluded from the course and their fees will not be refunded.

5.4 Applicants have to notify City Lit of any changes or corrections to their original applications. Failure to do so may result in any offer of a place on a course being withdrawn.

6 English and Maths requirements

6.1 All accredited courses must include a relevant check of an applicant’s English and Maths skills prior to their acceptance onto a course.

6.2 An English language qualification will not automatically exempt applicants from screening.

6.3 City Lit applies the following standards for effective screening:

the English and/or Maths check relates directly to the skills identified in the ‘skills statement’ of the course outline or pre-course information sheet the purpose of screening is explicitly explained to the applicant
prior to screening, the need for any adjustments is discussed so that these can be made at screening
applicants are offered constructive feedback following screening to identify their next steps
screening results are documented and shared with class teachers to inform planning and delivery.

7 16-19 Year olds

7.1 As an adult college, we don't ordinarily enrol anyone that is under 19 years of age. For more information please see the Students under 19 years of age page.

8 Applicants with additional support needs / disabilities

8.1 Applicants with disabilities or additional needs are considered on the same academic grounds as all other applicants.

8.2 Applicants will be encouraged to disclose their additional support needs or disabilities at the point of application, or earlier. They will have a further opportunity at the enrolment stage, and during the course.

8.3 Where necessary, and by arrangement, City Lit will provide additional support during the application and assessment process.

8.4 Where an applicant is referred for additional support following screening, their completed test and a summary of any comments/results will be passed to the Access, Inclusion and Student Support team.

8.5 If City Lit does not have the resources to meet the additional needs of a student, then that student will be advised how else to proceed or be referred to alternative provision, wherever possible.

9 Feedback to unsuccessful applicants

9.1 Applicants will be informed if they have been unsuccessful as soon as possible. Appropriate feedback will be given on request and, where possible, suggestions made for alternative courses of study at City Lit or elsewhere.

10 Excluded students

10.1 Students who have been suspended and excluded from the college under the student disciplinary procedures may normally re-apply for admission in the next academic year.

10.2 Under exceptional circumstances, City Lit reserves the right to refuse admission to an applicant where the student disciplinary procedure, fitness to study policy or fitness to practice policy applies.

11 Appeals

11.1 If applicants believe they have been refused a place on a course unfairly, they should put their reasons in writing in the first instance to the course programme manager. If he/she is still not satisfied, they should address their complaint to the Assistant Principal, Quality. The decision of the Assistant Principal will be final.

12 Monitoring

12.1 Clear standards based on the Matrix© quality mark govern the provision of information, advice and guidance.

12.2 Screening tools will be reviewed regularly by departments to ensure that the process is positive and inclusive.

12.3 Admission profiles in respect of race, sex, disability and age will be monitored annually as part of the SAR (Self Assessment Report) process.

13 Disclaimer

13.1 City Lit reserves the right to make variations to courses, entry requirements and methods of delivery, and to discontinue or combine courses both before and after the student’s admission to the college if such action is reasonably considered appropriate and necessary.

Appendix A: Course information to be made available to candidates

  • how to apply and the application process
  • entry criteria as set by the awarding body and/or City Lit (this will include the English and/or Maths
  • skills to be demonstrated prior to joining the course)
  • learning outcomes
  • course content and structure
  • teaching and learning strategies
  • how candidates will be assessed
  • time commitment expected on the part of the candidate (including homework)
  • course costs, including purchase of books or other equipment
  • opportunities to apply for student loans or other financial support
  • qualifications or accreditation to be gained
  • progression opportunities
  • work placement opportunities (where applicable)
  • residency status required (where applicable)
  • health and safety requirements (where applicable)
  • appeals procedure
  • any other requirements.


Approved by Governing Body December 2023

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