Student Bursary

Our student bursary is a discretionary fund used to support students experiencing financial difficulties, who are unable to pay course fees in full. Our bursary fund is limited and highly competitive.

Bursary support for course fees is capped at £250 per student for the academic year. This can be spread over 3 terms. If your application is successful, the amount awarded will be dependant on the strength of the application and evidence submitted

Regretfully, due to the volume of applications received we will not be able to award all students who apply for support with course fees

Please note

You must submit your bursary application 4 weeks before the course starts. We cannot accept applications after you have enrolled or after your course has started

You can only apply for one bursary per term


Are bursaries available for any City Lit course?

Available for most courses at City Lit but not for:

 Courses that have an Advanced Learner Loan
 Courses that run for fewer than 3 weeks/sessions AND cost less than £200
 More than one course at a time


Who can get a bursary?

 Get one of these benefits: Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Employment Support Allowance (ESA), Income Support (IS), Universal Credit (UC), Housing Benefit (HB), Working Tax Credit (WTC) - for full details on what benefits qualify check here.
 Are working and earning less than the London Living Wage a year - we do not include benefit payments when calculating total income
 Are homeless
 Are an Asylum Seeker
 Have no income
 Have experienced or are currently experiencing barriers to learning
 This course will help you find a job or improve your English, Maths or health and confidence
 Are up to date with all you payment plan payments (if you have taken out payment plans for other courses)

Note: Contact details and drop in times are incorrect in the video

If you have questions contact the Advice and Guidance Team:

Contact Us Form

For more information about the bursary, please watch this short video:


Ready to apply for the bursary?  

Apply for a bursary now

Please ensure that you answer all the questions on the form and use the checklist below to make sure you have uploaded all the required evidence.

Evidence Check List

 Proof of benefits - letter confirming you are in receipt of benefits dated in the last 6 months (for full details on what benefits qualify check here)
 Proof of income - your 2 most recent months of pay slips or SA302 or Tax Return form
 Proof of Asylum seeker or Refugee status (if applicable)- ASPEN card or letter from Home Office
 your 2 most recent bank statements for all accounts in your name

Still have a question?

Contact Us 
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
You can drop-in and see an advisor Monday to Friday: 12:00-14:00 (last appointment 13:45) and 15:00-17:00, please speak to a member of staff at the desk in the Student Centre.
See phone numbers and opening times
Or Apply for a bursary online


IAG and enrolment support for Deaf students

IAG sessions with BSL interpreters to help Deaf students enrol onto courses and apply for financial support take place in Room 1 in the Student Centre and Library from 2pm to 4pm. 

Come at 2pm. The last enrolment will finish at 4pm.

The next drop in dates will be:

Wednesday 18th December

Wednesday 8th January  

Wednesday 15th January   

Wednesday 5th February

Wednesday 19th February

Wednesday 5th March 

Wednesday 26th March 

Wednesday 9th April 

If you are Deaf and cannot come to any of these sessions, please email to arrange an individual appointment (the times and dates we can offer will depend on staff and interpreter availability, but we will do our best to arrange a time suitable for you).

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