Student voice at City Lit

We are committed to listening to and working with our students in order to continue reviewing and improving students’ learning and experience at City Lit.

There are a number of ways we receive student feedback and work with students directly.

Course evaluations

On the morning of the last session of a course all students are sent an email with a personalised link inviting them to complete the course evaluation form. Tutors and managers review student feedback to keep improving the quality of our courses.

Read more about course evaluations

Student panel

The Student panel acts as a critical friend and focus group reflecting on aspects of the student experience at City Lit. Our regular work with the Student panel helps us ensure future plans and projects to improve the quality of our courses, college spaces and the services we offer meet the needs of our diverse students. 

Student Panel 2022.jpg

We invite students to join the Student panel each autumn term.

Read more about the Student panel

Student Governor

There is one seat on the Governing Body reserved for the Student Governor and they serve for a term of two years, with the option to stand again for re-election.

The student Governor draws on their own knowledge and unique experience as members of the student body and the community to exercise judgement, make decisions and support and challenge the college leadership.

Our current Student Governor is Clancy Gebler Davies.

Student representatives

Student representatives work closely with curriculum managers to represent the interests of other students in their curriculum areas to improve quality of learning.

In some curriculum departments, such as Advanced Practice in the School of Visual Arts, student representatives meet with managers regularly to raise and explore issues that can improve everyone’s learning.

Praise, suggestions or complaints

You don’t need to wait for course evaluations to give us feedback. You can...

  • Use the ‘Submit a request’ form here on the Help Centre.
    Under ‘What would you like help with today?’ select ‘Courses’, and then ‘Make a complaint or give feedback about a course’ in the ‘My query is about’ section.
  • Email

How can you make a complaint?

In the first instance, you can talk to your tutor, the department that runs your course or a member of City Lit staff and we will do our best to resolve the issue straight away.

If we can't resolve the issue straight away, we'll ask you to put your complaint in writing by using the online feedback/complaints form. Use the ‘Submit a request’ form on the Help Centre or email

If you need help with writing your complaint, please speak to our staff who will be happy to help.

Read more about the Feedback and Complaints policy

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