Fee Remission Policy


To support City Lit’s mission to bring people together to enrich lives through learning the College aims to charge tuition fees at an appropriate level based on the individual’s capacity to pay.

The fees that the College charges are set each year by the Executive, taking into account the requirements of government legislation and the College’s funding agencies.


We aim to ensure that learners, prospective learners and those supporting learners are aware of:

  • The courses that qualify for fee reduction
  • The type of financial support and other assistance available
  • Who is eligible for funding and the evidence required to claim funding
  • How to apply

The broad framework of support is outlined in this policy. More detailed and current information, plus links to application forms, will be maintained on the College website.


This policy covers the following categories of fees and eligibility requirements:

  • Full
  • Concessionary
  • Senior
  • Students under 19 years of age
  • Students with an Education Health Care Plan

Additionally, this policy outlines following help that is available:

  • Payment plans
  • Student bursary
  • Advanced Learner Loans
  • Grants towards travel, materials, and exam fees
  • Help with Childcare costs

The College also may make use of discounts and special offers to aid recruitment (e.g. Black Friday style offers)

Fee Remission Eligibility

Category Eligibility
Full fee The full fee is paid by everyone who doesn’t qualify for the senior, or concessionary fee. This includes individuals that have not been ordinarily resident in the UK/EEA for the past 3 years, or are not a UK/EEA citizen or have right of abode in the UK.
Senior fee

Some courses are available with a reduced fee for seniors. These are for people who are:

  • aged 65 years or over at the start of the course
  • have a household income of less than £15,276 a year or
    rely entirely on a state pension.

The UK government does not offer an automatic concession for retired people, so the senior fee is entirely subsidised by City Lit. Due to this, the senior fee is only offered some of our daytime courses.

Concessionary fee

Where practicable the College will offer concessionary fees. Details of courses and rates will be published alongside the course outline on the website.

  • Students on courses where concessions apply, and whose individual income is less than the annual London Living Wage, but who do not qualify for full remission, may be offered a concessionary rate. This will normally be a percentage of the published full fee as determined annually as part of the curriculum review and validation process.

We are committed to making our courses affordable to as many people as possible. We however reserve the right to limit the number of concessionary places on any course a

Students under 19 years of age

City Lit will not enrol anyone that is under 19 years of age unless the following exceptions apply:

  • the course is not available elsewhere and;
  • there is a strong educational benefit to a student attending the course at City Lit.

These exceptions are limited to these subject areas:

  • Speech Therapy,
  • Lipreading,
  • English, Maths, Digital Skills and BSL for Deaf people.

A student is assessed as being an 'under 19' student if they were aged 18 or younger on 31st August of each year.

Before enrolling on a course approval needs to be given by the relevant Head of Department. We are unable to charge fees for students under 19.

Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

Students with an EHCP who are 16-18 on 31st August may only enrol on courses within the three approved areas listed above, with approval by Head of Department and the Access, Inclusion & Support (AIS) team.

Students with an EHCP who are 19-25 on 31st August may enrol on other courses with approval by the Access, Inclusion & Support (AIS) team.

The AIS team will assess any additional support needs for students who are under 25 and have an EHCP. They will review whether City Lit can provide the appropriate support to students in this group before approving enrolment.

Applicants must be made at least one month in advance of the course start date to allow time to carry out the assessment.

Free Courses

Students who meet specified residency, skills development needs and/or benefit/income requirements may be eligible for zero fees. City Lit reserves the right to limit the number of free places offered subject to budgetary constraints.

Current eligibility information and evidence requirements will be made available, along with contact information, on the City Lit website. Eligibility may differ between different courses.

The following help is also available to assist with paying course fees:

Help available Eligibility
Payment plans

For UK based students enrolling on a course that runs for at least 9 weeks course fees may be paid in instalments.

Interest for setting up a payment plan will not be charged and there are no other additional fees. We have two types of payment plans:

  1. High value course fees (currently set at £500 and above).
  2. Hardship payment plans – for students who meet certain eligibility criteria, details of which can be found at the following link: Payment Plans.

We require all students applying to pay for course fees in instalments to set up reoccurring credit/debit card payments. Failure to make a payment will result in automatic withdrawal from the course and prevented from enrolling on future courses until the debt is cleared.

Further details can be found at the following link: Booking Terms and Conditions.

Student Bursary

A bursary scheme has been created to support UK based students with financial difficulties.

An application form will be made available on the website and the details of the bursary can be found at the following link: Student Bursary.

Advanced Learner Loans

Advanced Learner Loans are administered by Student Finance England (SFE). These are available to all students studying at level 3 to 6.

Details on how to apply will be made available on the website.

Discretionary Learner Support Fund (DLSF) - Travel and Materials

The DLSF provides a contribution towards travel costs, books and/or materials that have been pre-set by course departments. If the course is accredited, the DLSF can provide a grant to pay the examination fee.

Eligibility is for students who are:

  • eligible to pay the concessionary fee, or can show they earn below the London Living Wage.
  • paying the home fee (not an international student).
  • not currently in full time education.
  • the course runs for three days or longer.

An application form will be made available on the website and a decision will be made within 14 days if an award is to be made.

Help with childcare costs

There are two childcare schemes available to students.

  1. Care to Learn – for young parents (lone or part of a couple) under 20 who wish to participate in learning. This scheme is administered by the Learner Support
    Service (LSS) and not City Lit.
  2. Adult Childcare (20+) through the Learner Support Fund (LSF) administered by the College. A budget for this fund will be set annually and once allocated no further funds are available until the following academic year.

Eligibility criteria and application information will be made available on the website.

Discounts and special offers
From time to time the College may offer promotional discounts or special offers to applicants.

  • The College reserves the right to not apply concessions in addition to courses that are already offered at a promotional or discount rate.
  • Discounts and offers may be strictly time limited. In the case of late discounts, where applicants have already booked, they will not be permitted to cancel and re-enrol to take advantage of the discount or offer.
  • Single use vouchers may be offered as prizes, and the same terms apply as above.


Due to limitations or restrictions on funds available the College cannot guarantee that all requests for financial assistance can be met. For this reason, an appeals process or waiting list facility will not be offered.

Responsibility for the Fees and Remission Policy
The responsibility for review and update of this policy lies with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Monitoring and Review

The policy, supporting guidance and operational procedures will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary and in accordance with any funding body guidance.


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